A Timeline - The Civil War from Three Perspectives.
Photo above, Charge of 8th Illinois Cavalry at Brandy Station, June 9, 1863 — Keith Rocco
Nov 1860 - Lincoln is elected President
1858 - Graffiti House built by James Barbour
Feb - Confederate States of America is formed
April - Fort Sumter is attacked; Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers
July - Federal army is defeated at Manassas
May/July - Federal forces stall then retreat in front of Richmond following Robert E. Lee’s appointment to command
Aug/Sep - Confederate forces win at 2nd Manassas but are stopped at Antietam
Dec - Federal forces suffer costly defeat at Fredericksburg
Aug - Battle of Cedar Mountain. Army of Northern Virginia moves toward Manassas
Oct - Confederate forward position established at Rappahannock River
Aug - Norfolk Light Artillery signatures
Jan - Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation
May - Confederates defeat Federal forces at Chancellorsville but “Stonewall” Jackson is mortally wounded
July - Lee invades the North for a second time but is stopped at Gettysburg.
Nov - Army of the Potomac winters in Culpeper County, Virginia
March - Battle of Kelly’s Ford
April - Stoneman’s Cavalry Raid
June - Initiation of the Gettysburg campaign; The Battle of Brandy Station
Aug - Confederate forward position established at Rappahannock River
Nov - Confederates retire to the Rapidan River and the Army of the Potomac’s winter encampment begins
March - Maryland Scroll created
April - Beverly’s Ford battle report
June - Casualty signatures from battle of Brandy Station
July - Visitors after Gettysburg campaign
Nov/Dec - Winter encampment drawings & history
May/June - Federal offensive begins with battles at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor. Despite heavy casualties Federal forces remain in contact with the Confederates.
June - Federal siege of Petersburg begins
Nov - Lincoln is re-elected President
May - The Federal spring offensive begins
Jan/May - Winter encampment drawings & history
March - "Old" 3rd Corps abolished
April - Federal forces break through Confederate lines at Five Forks.
The Confederate government evacuates Richmond and surrenders shortly after.
April 14th - Lincoln is assassinated.